Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A State of Intellectual Independence

      As our nation celebrates its two hundred thirty-sixth birthday, I am reminded as much of the progress our nation has made across two centuries as the recession of that progress in the days since our founding. Values which were first realized in the United States: individual rights, intellectual independence and the freedom to succeed (or fail) are losing their prominence on the national scene. I am not a partisan die hard who believes that a return to the past is what will make us great. Nor am I a champion of either political party. I write this post from a cafe in the heart of the bible belt, where the greatest portion of my twenty-two years has been spent.
      The present incorporation of the democratic party represents a threat to our freedom – the freedom of our bodies. Taxes that redistribute income take from one person and give to another, solely on the basis of need, which is no form of merit. It is easy to see how such a policy is a threat to the freedom of our body. The work of our minds belongs to us, the reward should as well, yet it is wrenched from us by force. This is a type of mysticism, it is the pretense that work does not create wealth, that those who do not work can achieve success without working by riding on the backs of those who do work. Success is not mystical, it is systematic. Yet 'liberal' policy makers and politicians pretend that success is a mystic process which some will never realize. The irony is that many never will succeed on their own as long as we continue to teach them that success comes from thievery.
      But the mystics of the mind, not the mystics of the body, rule this part of the nation. Southern republicans, people who supposedly cherish their freedom, are quick to arch their backs against threats to their freedom. Guns, god and gold are the holy triad of conservatism in this corner of the union. But what many self-labeled republicans are not aware of is the fact that faith (or god) is as large a threat to their freedom as Barack Obama. The Christian faith encourages people to depend on a higher power, to give up control and place their lives in the hands of the divine. The better sort of Christians admit that this will not always bring success because their god is not concerned with giving them success so much as doing what is best for them.
      God is the ultimate tyrant, the tyrant of the mind, though no longer the body. John Milton glimpsed as much in Paradise Lost but perhaps lacked the courage to admit it to himself or others. Having faith in god to solve your problems is very nearly the same as having faith in government to do so except that government exists, god does not. The danger of surrendering your mind to god is that you have surrendered to a false premise and even if you manage to hit at some other truths, your thought process will not be unified as long as you defend that false premise. Defending a false premise with logic is like defending an uncooperative non-combatant who cannot see the danger in the middle of a firefight.
      How can Christians, who are supposed to be models of the altruistic, neighbor-loving citizens protest the theft of their money in the form of taxes when it is going toward such a good cause – care for the needy? The simple answer is that if they understand Christianity for what it is, they cannot. Freedom from god is freedom from false premises, the freedom to stand on your own two feet, the freedom to pursue the truth no matter the consequences. Christianity demands devoted slaves to Christ's reason – faithful followers who do not and cannot understand their master's true intentions. This is a recipe for disaster especially given the fact that their master does not exist and they are all following each other or their leader (who does not really know what he is doing either ).
      But not all leaders in the Christian church are so blind, many see the money that is to be made from pretending as though you know what is going on – these are the Joel Olsteins of the world. The truth is, Joel Olstein is less dangerous than the small-town pastor who blindly follows an often contradictory corpus of literature written thousands of years ago and the voice of the 'spirit.' The very mentality which fosters tyranny in politics, is the same mentality which controls the mind of the average parishioner. That mentality is fear. The fear of the unknown and the fear of thinking for oneself. The same fear which leads people to band together to legally rob the strong of this world is the mentality which leads them to band together as a defense against the unknown, in devotion to the unknowable.
      The world is knowable, this should be a source of comfort to our minds but it is presently a source of fear to many people because so much of it is unknown to them. To me, this represents a challenge, the challenge to know! I have no special malice against god (only an insane person would hate someone who does not exist) or against Christians particularly – only against the mystics of the mind and body, those who would enslave us as workers and as thinkers.
      What America needs, two hundred and thirty-six years after its founding is people who will take risks and who have the freedom to do so - entrepreneurs of the mind and body. What America has is faithful followers everywhere who are afraid of such risks and witch-doctors who fan the flames of their fear - intellectual cowards and thieves. These forces could combine to see America in a somewhat European conundrum, fifty to one hundred years from now. It is the pioneering spirit of the intellect, which led us to span a continent, that will reinvigorate our nation, our politics and our economy one individual at a time.  

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